Life throws many curves and junctions along our paths and some are greater than others. I hit a big old roundabout, and consequently, because I didn't where I was going, I found that I was just going round in circles. Olivia made me stop, think and consider. Rather than thinking of what I wanted my life to be, she showed me how I could get there and what personal tools I needed to develop and discover to not only ensure success, but also longevity. Since seeing Olivia, I am kinder to myself. I take my time to make decisions, I think about the here and now and although I have my eyes on what my goals in life are, I don't panic or rush to achieve them, rather I experience and enjoy the journey to them. Being able to listen to people, to direct them, to offer avenues of thinking for them to find their own truths - that's a rare skill and one that Olivia outshines in. I highly recommend time spent with Olivia. She has helped me to realise who I am, to see the good in myself and to trust my decisions and consequently, I'm not hitting any more roundabouts.